
Hello there! My name is


Computer scientist and developer enthusiast

About Me

Hello! I am Mihaja and I am in my second year of engineering degree at Grenoble INP - Ensimag (Graduate School of Engineering in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences), France.
Ever since in High school, I enjoy creating and testing applications and so computer science became my passion. On top of that, I like to design and brainstorm concepts for my projects, constantly thinking about a better way to achieve it.

By pursuing a career in computer science, I can create efficient and scalable applications with a focus on a pleasing UI and an intuitive experience.

When I am not behind a screen. I like to go outside and start biking 🚲.


Here are the technologies I used recently and are familiar with:

Software and tools I use for my work:


Places where I worked and contributed my skills:

Front end developer

@Report One

June to august 2022

  • Build a waterfall chart engine.
  • Document and implement data type restrictions, viewable in a waterfall chart.
  • Add a new user interface to select and set up the new chart with input data in MyReport Page.

Research intern in speech processing

@Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse

May 2022

  • Validate a standardized speech assessment text based on readability and reading fluency measures.
  • Suggest a script automating the evaluation protocol for 52 voices.

Front end developer

@Report One

July to august 2021

  • Increase supported maps of MyReport Center by adding 6 new european maps to the available map charts. Namely maps of Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland.
  • Find and gather metadata and geographic data (in .geojson format) for each map layer (regions, provinces, municipalities).
  • Create and develop a tool to automatically link each data to its map layer, and output a file usable by MyReport Center.
  • Add new user interface to select and set up the new maps with input data in MyReport Page and MyReport Data.
  • Work environment: Agile-Scrum. Tech stack: WPF (C#/.NET), Angular.

Developer intern

@Report One

June 2021

  • Implement scatter and bubble charts to MyReport Center.
  • Document and implement data type restrictions, viewable in a scatter/bubble chart.
  • Add a new user interface to select and set up the new charts with input data in MyReport Page.

Full stack developer / System administrator

@AINA Resources NGO

August 2020 to date

  • Propose and develop a home page website for AINA Resources using JAMStack architecture.
  • Manually test website in various browsers and mobile devices to ensure cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness.
  • Ship and deploy website to a host provider with custom domain name.
  • Configure Cloudflare DNS records and SSL encryption for secure https navigation.
  • Tech stack (in development): Strapi (backend), Eleventy (frontend), MongoDB (database), Google Cloud Platform (hosting)

Featured projects

A showcase of my recent personal and directed projects:

Still of Enigma


A dynamic system trajectory visualizer

Enigma is a project made during my first semester of Bachelor 2 - Preparatory class, in Computer Science class.
Written in C and compiled with Makefile, Enigma allows to represent graphically the trajectory of a point whose position is ruled by a dynamic system. This representation is made possible with the program gnuplot.
Want to learn more? Head over to our documentation.

  • C
  • Makefile
  • Gnuplot
Still of Kaiza


A sandboxed social media network

This personal project is a single webpage application experiment.
Kaiza fetches user data from a REST api. Then, from a user submit, React handles the data, posts it to the server and passes the new data to a react component, using hooks, to display the updated information to the user.
Initiated by a friend who asked a mini-website for his presentation, I first built a standalone offline version of Kaiza
After that initial purpose, I'm using React and a JSON server to dynamically manage the view and make it work online to have a true social media network.

  • React
  • Javascript
  • API
  • JSON-server
  • Netlify
Still of Damnier


A multiplayer/single player versus AI checkers game

This game is a directed project during my second semester of Bachelor 1 of Computer science to practice my Python (with his Tkinter library) and web technologies (HTML and CSS) courses with a real, team-based, application development.
We had two months to code a checkers game, following MVC pattern, and a website to present it.
After implementing the required game logic to validate the project (turn management, piece moves and capture and winning conditions to end the game), I accomplished the optional bonuses such as king management (by calculating valid moves based on the piece selected) and online game mode (by setting up a custom socket server for remote communication).
The valid move calculation mechanism allowed me to easily implement a game versus computer mode. This may be the feature that I liked the most to develop, introducing me to the world of AI while doing my personal research. The AI player is using the minimax algorithm, with alpha-beta pruning for performance, to evaluate the best move that benefits him on the board.

  • Python
  • Tkinter
  • Javascript
  • Socket.io
  • Node.js
  • Heroku
Still of SpotOff


A puzzle game with limited vision

This game is my submission for the 2021 Game Jam Albi Champollion. This year's theme was 'Lost and Found'.
I prepared the event by first learning Unity Game Engine, then practiced it with the mandatory theme when the event started. This challenge helped me experience the process of game development, from how to brainstorm and design a game to how to publish the final version. The difficulty I encountered was mostly how to be creative while being able to code the idea into game logic and make it understandable to the player (while playtesting).
Even with such limited time, the development result is interesting gameplay and a clever use of light to win the puzzle.

  • Unity
  • C#
Still of Lycée Peter Pan website

Lycée Peter Pan

A wordpress website for my school

This website is a directed project made for the 2017 edition of sciences' day event at my undergraduate school.
At that time, we, a group of Troisième (9th grade) student, found out that our school didn't had any website, so we teamed up and made one using Wordpress.
Our mission was first to gather the information (school's history, education programs, administration, ...) and write articles on its events to showcase it in a blog. We also took and gathered pictures of our school to give a visual representation of its buildings and events in the website. All of those data were then arranged with a carefully chosen wordpress theme to deliver a beautiful design and user experience to our visitors.
The result got honorable mentions from the principal herself at the project's presentation. It was still even brought out at my graduation ceremony for the effort we took to shape our school's online identity.
Want to know more about the team? 😋 A picture of us is available in another wordpress theme we deprecated.

  • Wordpress
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Cpanel

Want to create something together ?

I am currently looking for a summer internship.